version: 240824-1c11bf8e
A little Break / Pequena Pausa
A little Break / Pequena Pausa
A little break / Pequena Pausa
São Bernardo do Campo - SP
R$ 0,00 da meta de R$ 111.111,00
A little Break / Pequena Pausa

A little Break / Pequena Pausa

A plataforma mais premiada do Brasil

Rafael Sabino Martini is somehow an artist, he’s unknown for the most of the general public but well known worldwide in cinema, television, music and publishing. His fame is not exactly marked by an excellence in any of his skills but rather his life is sort of inspiration for those who have power and competence but lack in ethical, moral and creative resources. Some would say that the unfair amount of use of his life fueling the entertainment industry and intellectual talks is a type of invitation, welcoming an outsider, but for him, he’s just being used and he is tired of the selfishness and cowardliness of those who run those industries. This website was made as a way to gather resources for his life as an independent artist and the publication of his first novel, his ambition for his first work was settled as a literary work which will hold decades of relevance and this is an opportunity for helping him achieve at least the conclusion of his first story, if you already know him and feel guilty for what happened to his life and benefited from his existence, this is a way to try to reduce your negative Karma. Feel free to donate and gift him using the tools available bellow:

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Um pouco de diversão não me fará mal.

Having a little break will cause no harm.

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R$ 0,00
da meta de R$ 111.111,000%

A little break / Pequena Pausa

São Bernardo do Campo - SP




Campanha lançada em 22/10/2022

Campanha Flexível

R$ 25,00
0 Kicks
R$ 50,00
0 Kicks
R$ 120,00
0 Kicks
R$ 300,00
0 Kicks

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