version: 241023-4236735d
Help to Help
Help to Help
Help to Help
Belo Horizonte - MG
R$ 0,00
Campanha sem meta financeira.

Help to Help

A plataforma mais premiada do Brasil

Hello everyone,


My name is Bento, and I would like to share a bit of my journey with you. Since the beginning of the pandemic, I have faced significant challenges. I lost my job, and since then, I have been seeking various opportunities to rebuild myself. I've worked in construction and as an Uber driver, but unfortunately, opportunities in Brazil are limited, and things have been getting increasingly difficult.


Nevertheless, despite the obstacles, I remain steadfast in my passion and vocation as an integrative therapist. That's why I'm launching this crowdfunding campaign. My goal is to set up an office so that I can resume helping people through my therapeutic practice.


Additionally, I am committed to giving back to the community. If this campaign is successful, I promise to dedicate one day a week to seeing underprivileged individuals, offering consultations at no cost to them. I would also like to express my gratitude to contributors by sending them small drawings I make as a token of appreciation for their support.


If you can contribute in any way, please know that you are making a real difference in the life of someone who is struggling to pursue their passion and make a positive impact in the community.


Thank you from the bottom of my heart for considering supporting my campaign.


With gratitude,


É muito fácil participar.

Finalize em segundos!

Mais de 2 milhões de brasileiros

Pagamento seguro

Parcele em até 12X

My goal is to set up an office so that I can resume helping people through my therapeutic practice

Many are the plans in the mind of a man,
but it is the purpose of the Lord that will stand.

Fale com a Kickante

A mais completa plataforma de
Crowdfunding do Brasil

R$ 0,00
Campanha sem meta financeira. Todo valor ajuda!


Help to Help

Belo Horizonte - MG



Campanha encerrada em 05/04/2024

Campanha Flexível

+ 2 milhões

de brasileiros participando na Kickante

Meta: 1 bilhão para o Brasil.

Faça parte do movimento Kickante.

+ 100 mil projetos

São milhões de brasileiros impactados!

Painel Transparente

Veja o status real de toda contribuição.