English version to follow, after the Portuguese text.
Precisamos adquirir bombas extratoras de leite para cada unidade da Casa Nutri para garantir a sobrevivência de nossos bebês mais vulneráveis!
A Casa Nutri atende centenas de bebês entre 0 e 24 meses em 4 dos países mais pobres do mundo. Todos os nossos pacientes foram diagnosticados com desnutrição severa.
Mais de 15 milhões de bebês do mundo nascem com baixo peso. O número representa cerca de um em cada sete nascimentos em todo o mundo. Quase três quartos dessas crianças nascem no sul da Ásia e na África Subsaariana.
A falta de programas de assistência pré-natal, a desnutrição materna importante, a malária recorrente, o HIV e outras doenças infecciosas que são predominantes, com certeza interferem na gestação, levando ao nascimento de bebês prematuros e de baixo peso.
O recém-nascido prematuro, os de baixo peso, os com problemas neurológicos e os com desnutrição grave, necessitam de um acompanhamento diferenciado e o leite materno é o alimento “padrão ouro” na alimentação dessas crianças.
Esses bebês nem sempre estão aptos a sugar e receber a alimentação diretamente no seio materno. Nesses casos faz-se necessário ordenhar e oferecer através de sondas ou colheres, para garantir a nutrição adequada. Daí a necessidade da bomba extratora.
Para além disso, temos um agravante: em um contexto de secas no continente africano, onde estão 14 de nossas 15 unidades, somadas a conflitos civis e à pandemia, a situação de fome e vulnerabilidade se intensifica, fazendo com que o leite materno seja, em muitas situações, o único alimento disponível para bebês de até dois anos de idade atendidos pela Casa Nutri.
We need to acquire breastpumps for each unit of Casa Nutri to ensure the survival of our most vulnerable babies!
More than 15 million babies in the world are born with low birth weight. The number represents about one in seven births worldwide. Nearly three-quarters of these children are born in South Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa.
In South Asia, 1.4 million children under the age of five died in 2019 alone, 63% of which were newborns. In Sub-Saharan Africa, half of all children under the age of five who die, die from malnutrition and one out of every 13 children lose their lives before their fifth birthday - UNICEF 2019.
Breast milk will, in many situations, be the only food available to these children. We need to act!
The lack of prenatal care programs, severe maternal malnutrition, recurrent malaria, HIV and other prevalent infectious diseases are sure to interfere with pregnancy, leading to the birth of premature and low birth weight babies.
Premature newborns, those with low birth weight, those with neurological problems and those with severe malnutrition, need special monitoring and breast milk is the “gold standard” food for these children.
These babies are not always able to suck and receive food directly from the mother's breast. In these cases, it is necessary to pump and offer through probes or spoons, to ensure adequate nutrition. Hence the need for a breast pump.
Also, to make matters worse: 14 of our 15 Africa units are located in areas hit hard by drought, civil conflicts, and the pandemic. This intensifies the need for breast milk, which in many cases is the only possible food source for babies up to two years old under the care of Casa Nutri.
Casa Nutri has been intensifying its work on this topic, with the regular participation of a nurse specialist in breastfeeding, who monitors the cases of each unit remotely, advising mothers and field agents who work in the four countries in which we operate. Additionally, in the first half of 2022, Casa Nutri gave intensive training on breastfeeding for all teams involved in the care of babies.
The training was exclusively on the subject, teaching about its importance in the health and development of babies, training agents on how to deal with different challenges and problems that breastfeeding mothers may face, and also dispelling myths and misinformation about breastfeeding in each culture. It was a very rich learning experience!
Breast Pumps are only made available after local representatives have undergone training on breastfeeding and on pumping and storing breast milk.
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What we will do with the donations:
We will purchase a breast pump for all 15 of our units and another one for the unit that is scheduled to open later this year. In all, there will be 16 units. The chosen model is both electrically and battery powered, deising for pumping on the move, which will function both at the headquarters of each Casa Nutri, where it will more commonly be used, and for home visits, since there is no electricity in the homes of 95% of our patients. What's more, it's comfortable for mothers and more effective in pumping, as it stimulates milk production by simulating the baby's own sucking movement.
In addition to the breast pump, we will ship a sterilizing container and storage containers that can be frozen at the headquarters of each unit, if necessary.
The amount collected will make it possible to purchase the kit and cover the logistical costs of sending it to the units, especially the difficult-to-reach communities in the interior of Mozambique and Niger, both on the African continent.
Ideal model of the breast pump: ?????
A Casa Nutri é um projeto de recuperação e educação nutricional para gestantes de baixo peso e crianças com desnutrição crônica severa, de base comunitária, executado especialmente por missões ou organizações não governamentais, em locais com escassos recursos socioeconômicos.
Nos países onde atuamos, estima-se que mais da metade das mortes de menores de cinco anos de idade se relacione direta ou indiretamente com a fome e a desnutrição.
O projeto foi fundado pelo Dr. Ailton Alves, um médico que, desde que se formou, se dedicou a causas de saúde pública, especialmente as impactadas pela vulnerabilidade social de comunidades desfavorecidas. Em uma visita a uma ONG em Nampula, Moçambique, ele se deparou com uma situação muito mais grave do que imaginava: cerca de metade das crianças menores de 5 anos tinham um nível tão grave de desnutrição, que suas vidas estavam sob iminente risco.
De uma visão estratégica sobre o cenário, foi desenvolvida a metodologia Casa Nutri, uma tecnologia comunitária, sistematizada e de baixa complexidade, baseada especialmente em ambulatório para avaliação do crescimento e do desenvolvimento da criança desnutrida e educação popular em saúde, visitas domiciliares por agentes comunitários treinados, produção de alimentos saudáveis e distribuição de insumos como medicamentos padronizados e suplementos alimentares.
Toda a metodologia consta de protocolos baseados em evidência, executados por equipes compromissadas, o que têm nos permitido taxas de recuperação nutricional de gestantes e crianças superiores a 85% em nossas unidades da Casa Nutri.
About Us:
Casa Nutri is a community-based nutritional education and recovery project for low-weight pregnant women and children with severe chronic malnutrition, carried out by missions or non-governmental organizations, in places with scarce socioeconomic resources.
In the countries where we operate, it is estimated that more than half of under-five deaths are directly or indirectly related to hunger and malnutrition.
The project was founded by Dr. Ailton Alves, a doctor who has dedicated himself to public health causes, especially those impacted by the social vulnerability of disadvantaged communities. On a visit to an NGO in Nampula, Mozambique, he came across a situation much more serious than he imagined: about half of the children under 5 had such a severe level of malnutrition that their lives were in imminent danger.
So, the Casa Nutri methodology was strategically developed with community technology, systemiatically and simply, with outpatient clinics to assess the growth and development of malnourished children and teach health education, home visits by trainedcommunity agents, healthy food production and distributing necessities like medicine and food supplements.
Out entire methodology consists of evidence-based protocols, carried out by committed teams, which have blessed us with nutritional recovery rates of over 85% of the pregnant women and children through our Casa Nutri units.
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