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Animals and Society in Brazil - English edition
Animals and Society
Vaquinha Online
R$ 815,00 da meta de R$ 3.000,00

Animals and Society in Brazil - English edition

A plataforma mais premiada do Brasil


Animals and society in Brazil, from the 16th to 19th centuries 


A book with a mission!

Animals and Society in Brazil, from the 16th to 19th centuries, written by Dr. Ana Lucia Camphora and recently published in Brazil in its original Portuguese language version, is a pioneering book that examines the dense human-animal interactions which were forged through colonial exploits and encounters in Portuguese South America.

Its English edition  will be an essential contribution to the international corpus of knowledge in the field of environmental history. The book looks at the history of a nation  from the novel perspective of how social relations were constructed as interspecies relations, unfolding over the course of several centuries of colonial history and into the first “modernizing projects” of the late 19th century.

At present, Brazil, the largest country on the South American continent, occupies the paradoxal and challenging position of being simultaneously home to some of the planet’s richest and most seriously threatened biodiversity and one of the world’s largest meat producers (beef, chicken and pork).

Throughout the pages of Camphora's book, the author aptly describes how emerging sets of social and environmental relations were sculpted, fraught with cultural and material conflict and unfolding in the midst of great natural wealth and diversity. Constantly built and rebuilt as relations between human and non-human animals, these processes were uniquely transformative of milieu, culture and identities.

Thus, in an inclusive and complex perspective, non-human animals come to the forefront of the story that is told here, as essential actors in the process of development of Brazilian society.  They stand alongside a wide range of human actors – indigenous people, enslaved populations, colonizers and settlers - in the wilderness, rural and urban settings where these early centuries of history were played out.

Help us get an English edition out into the world!

The White Horse Press, a British publisher committed to the field of environmental history, would like to publish  Animals and society in Brazil, from the 16th to 19th centuries in  illustrated hard copy and ebook formats.

Getting this book translated and ready for publication is, however, contingent upon your financial support.  We ask you to make a donation, according to the donation and reward plan described below. 

Donors will be supplied with periodic updates over the course of the translation and book production process, and given open channels of access to author and translator via an exclusive project blog (PRIVATE LINK WILL BE SENT TO ALL DONORS ON MARCH 28th, 2020 when the present campaign comes to an end, and thereby well in advance of the published materials that will be sent out when the book itself is launched, in 2021) .  Please join us on this venture, one of immense value for the expansion of  knowledge and dialogue on socially urgent issues!

Note:  We invite all donors and potential donors to follow the project updates which will be supplied on a regular basis through our pages here at Kickante and on Facebook:



Book structure

The six chapters move from discussions of hunting of wildlife, indigenous uses of animals for medicinal purposes and the appropriation of such traditional knowledge by European settlers, to the territorial expansion and establishment of ranching and farming based on the new and in many ways overwhelming presence of domesticated animals that colonizers brought with them. 



Chapter 1. Natural provisions of the land

From the outset of the occupation of the new territory, native animals were identified as a food source and enabled the survival of the Europeans who landed on Brazilian shores. Some species were immediately turned into products for the European market.

Chapter 2. In illness and health

In observing animals such as the 'guariba' monkey, which used certain plants to cure its own wounds, Europeans learned ways to cure that ensured their own survival in the colony. Colonial medicine prescribed formulas based on the use of animal horns, teeth, claws, bones, skins, hooves, shells and fat, for treating particular illnesses.

Chapter 3. Hunters and whalers

On hunting as a component of identity and connection between ‘barbarian’ natives and ‘civilized’ Europeans. The role of the hunter in the colonial economy and the monopoly over whaling and its effects on the colonial economy, for almost three hundred years.

Chapter 4. The animals brought to the New World

On how European explorers introduced domestic animals to Brazilian lands and how these animals adapted to and influenced the customs, values and economy of the colony.

Chapter 5. Horsemen, mules and ‘mulattos’

On the role of horses and mules in constructing the social, cultural and economic bases of colonial life.

Chapter 6. Whipping posts and slaughterhouses – Rio de Janeiro in the 19th century

On the complicated issue of how functions and attributes were shared by enslaved people and domesticated animals, as well as the dynamics of the slaughterhouses that were part of the urban context.

Epilogue: A timeline and some commentary



The author

















Ana Lucia Camphora was born in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, where obtained her PhD in Social Sciences interdisciplinary studies, and worked as an environmental consultant in environmental sustainability for protected areas, and governance in public policies oriented to biodiversity conservation of the Atlantic Forest. 

In 2013, she reoriented her academic approach exclusively to the field of human-animal studies, a subject very close with her personal involvement with animal protection in Brazil.

As an independent scholar, Dr. Camphora has taught courses on Social Ecology in post-graduate programs in Environmental Law and Animals in Law. Her recent academic production is been devoted to environmental history and its connection with human-animal studies.

To know more about her academic trajectory and publications, please, visit .


The translator























Miriam Adelman, born in Milwaukee, Wisconsin and residing in Brazil since 1991, is a sociologist, poet and translator. As sociologist and university professor (Federal University of Paraná, 1992- present) she has taught and researched on topics within the Human-Animal Studies field, becoming a pioneering researcher on Latin American equestrian cultures.

It is precisely this shared interest in the ‘animal stories’ that are woven into the history of Brazilian society that led to her dialogue and research partnership with Ana Lucia, fruit of which is their recent co-authored chapter, “Crioulos e Crioulistas: A southern Brazilian equestrian culture in a changing world” In: Guest, K. and Mattfeld, M. Horse Breeds and Human Society: Purity, Identity and the Making of the Modern Horse, Routledge Human-Animal Studies Series, 2019)

As translator, Miriam has ample practice working in the Social Sciences and Humanities. She has also become increasingly interested in the theories that apply cultural, historical and linguistic lenses to translation processes and their challenges. Over the years, she has enjoyed translating some of her favorite poets from English to Portuguese (visit her blog at, although her scientific work has usually involved English as target language.

She recently completed the translation of a work on the history of Italian immigration to southern Brazil (Maíra Vendrame’s Power in the village: social networks, family honor and the practice of justice among peasant families– from Italy to Brazil, Routledge, forthcoming in 2020.)



Your support is essential in getting this project out into the wide world of scholars and laypersons who share with us the desire to understand this dense network of human-animals interactions.

Thank you very much!



R$ 63,00

Donor category A US$15,00 (BR 63,00

Contribute at least US$15,00 (BR 63,00) and get an invitation to our exclusive campaign blog, including the video-conference, "Human and nonhuman animals in the formation of Brazilian society: a story to be told" by Dr. Camphora, as well as monthly updates on book translation and production process.

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R$ 815,00
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Animals and Society


Vaquinha Online

Campanha encerrada em 28/06/2020

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1º Kick

R$ 10,00

Lenita Ruggi

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R$ 210,00

Ana Paula Garcia Boscatti

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R$ 30,00

R$ 63,00

Donor category A US$15,00 (BR 63,00

Contribute at least US$15,00 (BR 63,00) and get an invitation to our exclusive campaign blog, including the video-conference, "Human and nonhuman animals in the formation of Brazilian society: a story to be told" by Dr. Camphora, as well as monthly updates on book translation and production process.

R$ 105,00

Donor Category B - US$25 (BR 105)

Contribute US$25 (BR 105) and get a personal copy of Animals and Society ebook

R$ 170,00

Donor Category C US$40 (BR $170)

Contribute US$40 (BR $170) and get your personal copy of Animals and Society in ebook format, plus an invitation to our exclusive campaign blog, which includes the video-conference, "Human and nonhuman animals in the formation of Brazilian society: a story to be told" by Dr. Camphora, as well as monthly updates on book translation and production process

R$ 210,00

Donor Category D US$50 (BR 210)

The first four people to donate US$50 (BR 210) will receive a hard copy of the book Animals and Society, courtesy of our publisher, White Horse Press (UK) in addition to invitation to our exclusive campaign blog, including the video-conference, "Human and nonhuman animals in the formation of Brazilian society: a story to be told" by Dr. Camphora, as well as monthly updates on book translation and production process

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