version: 241226-55c26f0a
Help saving this young dog's life
Help saving this young dog's life
Mick Black Labrador
Belo Horizonte - MG
Vaquinha OnlineAnimaisSaúde e Emergências
R$ 0,00 da meta de R$ 12.000,00

Help saving this young dog's life

A plataforma mais premiada do Brasil

Mick's story is touching and urgent. He is a just one-year-old Labrador who suffers from a severe leishmaniasis and rare atopic dermatitis, causing unbearable itching and affecting his quality of life. The leishmaniasis is being stabilized with medication but makes the treatment of dermatitis even more complicated and expensive: it costs R$ 12,000 (around US$ 2,500) for the disease to be controlled.

Unfortunately, his owners have already spent a lot of money on treatments and now they no longer have the financial means to afford the specific medications Mick needs to improve. Without proper treatment, the dog may have to be euthanized, which would be a tragic and unnecessary loss. If he gets treated properly, it's about some months only for him to have a normal life again.

The veterinarians from animal hospitals and universities in Brazil diagnosed the disease through a skin biopsy. His case would not require euthanasia, but it takes time to stabilize the animal's health condition, and specific medications are needed, which are more expensive than usual ones. If left untreated, the owners would have to do the euthanasia.

He is a young and cheerful dog, full of life and love to give. With your help, we can raise enough funds to cover the costs of the necessary medications and care to treat his atopic dermatitis and leishmaniasis and give him a chance to have a happy and healthy life.

Every donation counts, no matter the amount. Any amount you can donate will make a difference in Mick's life. If you are unable to donate, please share this campaign with your friends and family.

Mick needs us. Let's make a difference in his life and show that there is still hope for him. Together, we can save the life of this amazing little dog.

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Mais de 2 milhões de brasileiros

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Crowdfunding do Brasil

R$ 0,00
da meta de R$ 12.000,000%


Mick Black Labrador

Belo Horizonte - MG

Vaquinha Online


Saúde e Emergências

Campanha encerrada em 14/09/2023

Campanha Flexível

+ 2 milhões

de brasileiros participando na Kickante

Meta: 1 bilhão para o Brasil.

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