version: 240824-1c11bf8e
Make a living making a life
Make a living making a life
Jucier Antônio da Silva
Rio de Janeiro - RJ
Vaquinha OnlineViagemCrowdfunding
R$ 0,00
Campanha sem meta financeira.
Make a living making a life

Make a living making a life

A plataforma mais premiada do Brasil

My life has never been fun or easy. In order to have anything, from a food on my table to a trip to a nearby city I ve always had to work day and night non stop. my dream has always been to live abroad. I believe life abroad can be as hard as it can be rewarding and for this reason I worked and studied to be the best massage therapist one can be.
In 2021 I had a client who was amazed by my work and its results and surprised I had never lived abroad. He told me I could easily make a living abroad and he would even help me find a place to start and recommend me to a few clients however, I dont have enough money to afford a big trip like this. I´ve already started selling everything I´ve got but to be honest  it has been harder than it would be any time of the century due to the covid 19 pandemic situation. 

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Mais de 2 milhões de brasileiros

Pagamento seguro

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Participe agora com total segurança
porque na Kickante cada pessoa faz uma grande diferença!

Fale com a Kickante

A mais completa plataforma de
Crowdfunding do Brasil

R$ 0,00
Campanha sem meta financeira. Todo valor ajuda!

Jucier Antônio da Silva

Rio de Janeiro - RJ

Vaquinha Online



Campanha lançada em 02/12/2021

Campanha Flexível

R$ 25,00
0 Kicks
R$ 50,00
0 Kicks
R$ 120,00
0 Kicks
R$ 300,00
0 Kicks

+ 2 milhões

de brasileiros participando na Kickante

Meta: 1 bilhão para o Brasil.

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+ 100 mil projetos

São milhões de brasileiros impactados!

Painel Transparente

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